On Facebook I received the 'complaint' that they were running out of windows, so I'm going to help you and will blog every Friday about places where you can also use the window drawing designs besides windows. I'll continue until I run out of ideas.

Because, if it's transparent and you can reach the front and back, you can draw on it! These tips also apply if you don't want to use a printable, but draw freehand.

Visit your local thrift shop and buy a large bottle or jar. Normal transparent is nice, but a color can also look cool. You can draw a themed bottle, for example about a season (stick with leaves in it and your done!) or an inspiring quote. Vases can best be drawn on on the outside, unless you're not planning to put real flowers in it.

Tip: When you use a printable put a piece of string on the paper (firmly!) before you insert it in the bottle so you can easily pull it out when you're done. Use something thin and long like a chopstick, pencil or knitting needle to place the paper.

Check out all the inspiration posts over here and don't forget to tips and info here.
Raamtekening ontwerpen: Spirograph, Circles en Flowers.

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